Hackathon 2024

A unique 48-hour hackathon


When: 1-3 Feb 2024

Where: The Netherlands’ #1 location for energy innovation: The Green Village @ TU Delft

Who: Unity in diversity – builders, designers, coders, dreamers, doers, creatives, and more, brought together by Synergy’s partners Alliander, Essent, Vattenfall, TU Delft, Gemeente Den Haag, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Antea and more.

Join us and register here for a unique 48-hour event and build the future of energy together! 

Hackathon Program


Day 1 – Thursday, 1st February


10.00 – Walk-in

11.30 – Keynote Arash Aazami ‘Freeing Local Energy’

12.00 – Kick-off & Opening!

12.15 – Lunch buffet

12.30 – Challenge Owner and teams get-to-know

13.30-17.00 – #BUILDING

17.00 – Cross-Challenge gatherings

17.30 – Dinner buffet

18.00 – DJ set

20.00 – #BUILDING

Day 2 – Friday, 2nd February

08.00 – Coffee & Tea

09.00 – Team check-ins

09.30 – 12.30 – Kick-off the day & #BUILDING

12.30 – Lunch buffet

13.00-17.00 – #BUILDING

17.00 – Cross-Challenge gatherings

17.30 – Dinner buffet

18.00 – DJ set

20.00 – #BUILDING


Day 3 – Saturday, 3rd February


08.00 – Coffee & Tea

09.00 – Team check-ins

09.30 – 11.00 – Kick-off the day & #BUILDING

11.00 – Final hour countdown

12.00 – Stop #BUILDING & uploading team results

12.15 – Lunch buffet

12.30 – DJ set

13.00 – Commencement Ceremony (presenting) with decision makers

14.30 – Closing drinks & networking


The Green Village, TU Delft, The Netherlands

© 2024 – SYNERGY
Rotterdam (NL)